Category Archives: Cloud Computing

Personal Use of Cloud Computing

Personal Cloud Computing

For personal/home use the benefits of cloud computing are mostly related to cloud storage. This means backing up your files to an online storage server, which allows you to share them with others and also means gaining anywhere, anytime access via any internet-ready device.

What does this mean for you?

  1. Your files are backed up on the internet and are accessible via a number of internet-ready devices. These include desktops, laptops, mobile phones and tablets.
  2. There is no need to use flash drives or other external, transportable storage devices.
  3. You can invite contacts to access your cloud by email, Twitter or Facebook.
  4. Sharing files through the net which means you no longer have to upload and email individual files to your contact.
  5. You can sync devices allowing you to have constant access to the most recent versions of your files where ever you are.
  6. With an internet connection, you will have constant access to the most recent version of your files. Therefore a document that you started at work you can finish at home, or on the bus/plane etc.
  7. You can purchase digital versions of your favourite magazines. These are then available at any time as long as you have an internet connection.
  8. You can also backup your ebooks on the cloud. Thus you won’t lose your books if you lose your kindle or eBook reader – or if it fails.
  9. Movies too can be stored on the cloud. This means those long boring car journeys more bearable for both parents and children.
  10. One of the best features of cloud storage is that it enables people who are members of the same cloud to share files in real-time. You can take photos on your mobile phone, upload them to cloud, then friends and family can access them where ever they are instant.
  11. Another great benefit of storing your valuable files, photos, music and movies online is to guard against a disaster such as fire, theft, virus or flooding.

This blog was written by Mark Kotorac, Computer Technician and Owner of Affordable Computer Repairs and Service in Brisbane.

Personal Use of Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing Ins and Outs

What is Cloud Computing?

It’s the latest thing and everyone is talking about it and how it is the future of computing, but what is it?

In simple terms, cloud computing means storing and accessing programs and data over the internet instead of a computer’s hard disk drive. The cloud is just a metaphor for the Internet.

So cloud computing is not about is your hard drive or office network. If you store and run programs from your hard drive or a server, that’s called local storage and computing.

Cloud computing, on the other hand, means you need to access or data or programs over the internet.  With access on the internet and with an online connection cloud computing can be done anywhere at any time.

Advantages of Cloud Computing

  1. You have almost unlimited storage capacity and don’t need to worry about running out of storage space or increasing your available storage space availability. As long as you have an internet connection you can access your files at any time, anyplace. This is great news for the business traveller.
  2. Cloud computing is probably the most cost-efficient method to use, maintain and upgrade your computer programs. You won’t be up for the licensing fees for multiple users as you would for local computing. The cloud provides cheaper rates and lowers IT expenses for a company.
  3. As all your data is stored in the cloud or internet, backing it up and restoring the same is relatively much easier than storing the same on a physical device.
  4. In addition, most cloud service providers also handle recovery of information, again making things easier for businesses.

Disadvantages of Cloud Computing

  1. The speed and cost of local storage can outstrip using a wide-area network connection.
  2. There are times when this system can have some serious dysfunction – all systems are prone to outages and other technical issues.
  3. You no longer have control over your access, the connection is controlled by a telecommunications company – your ISP.
  4. There is the question about who owns the data you store online, is it you or the company storing it?
  5. There is also the question of security issues, you need to bear in mind that you will be surrendering all your company’s information to a third-party cloud provider.
  6. Nothing on the internet is completely secure and there is always the possibility that your company will be vulnerable to external hacks and threats.
  7. There is no central body governing the use of the cloud for storage and services.
  8. You will need a very good internet connection to be logged onto the server at all times.

In conclusion, it really depends upon your company needs and computer access requirements and you need yourself to balance out the pros and cons of this latest innovation in computing.

Cloud Computing